hondanhon Kickstarter is basically a way for all the games we loved in the 80s and 90s to be remade but with graphics that match their box art.
Putting cheese on my chorizo and chocolate chilli. Maybe I’ll add some chicken to the recipe next time. #ch
Aww. These little cuties have the date they were laid pencilled on.
@shezza_t I’m frowning on some pork right now. Doesn’t seem to be getting it cooked, though.
@shezza_t “Man shall not lie with man, as with woman, for it is just the same as snogging gigantic insects.” That’s right, isn’t it?
@domwakeling …but I’m just thinking “Arduinos! In! Space!” and enjoying the coolness-factor, I must confess.
@domwakeling Weird space-going confetti is a pretty good description. Alternative approach has some benefits, eg cover much wider area…
@hayles Hey, at least he knew where the depot was…
@charlesarthur I think that’s a net win. And at least they’re biodegradable.
@charlesarthur Littering. At least I can *understand* murder.
@BabsBat Um. Think I just saw you in a newsagent’s. ;)
Smoked salmon on rye. Going a little bit “New York” in Baristas.
@RevRichardColes Honestly. Couldn’t organise a bishop in a priory.