Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

June 16th, 2015

@StephenEThomas Yes indeed. Playing Elite since I was 12 years old. E:D feels a bit like Lucas made new Star Wars without fucking it up :)

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Wouldn’t that be a 180 degree turn?

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But, in the final analysis, aren’t we *all* playing Elite: Dangerous when we should be cleaning the kitchen?

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Having a bit of a Scottish music afternoon, it seems. Just bought tickets for @yumhoneyblood and @FishDerekDick gigs…

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@libbymiller I used to like my current place; sadly it’s a chain with pretty high staff churn, so has become bit of a lottery :(

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chrisphin The Apple Watch has lots of useful features for tracking key biometric data, such as UV exposure.

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Can any peeps* recommend a good optician? Preferably walkable from Whiteladies. Ta! *No pun intended.

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