Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

June 28th, 2015

@Kavey Thank you. Snapped this scene so many times, but there always seems to be more to do with it.

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Enjoying snapping with the little Fuji.

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I seem to be synchronised with the Matthew today…

via Instagram

louellen78 Best Glastonbury photo so far

via Mobile Web (M5) (retweeted on 4:34 PM, Jun 28th, 2015 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

I and my namesake are both heading out, it seems.

via Instagram

Must try to remember where I took this. One of the problems with processing backlogs… Pretty place,

via Twitter Web Client

@liveindetail IIRC Debenhams has half price sale on Tripp stuff at the mo. Decent gear.

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AlisonSudol What an extraordinary artist he was, such a loss. This is pretty incredible: “P.S. Hoffman” @Vimeo

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:22 AM, Jun 28th, 2015 via Tweetbot for iΟS)