Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

August 16th, 2015

Must go to the Souk Kitchen for brunch more often :)

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jkottke Wow. High resolution photo of the crater left by the Tianjin explosion…

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@Kavey Once a week, maybe. Definitely a staple. I like trying new types.

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@O2 Nope. Tried with another phone and still no signal in my flat unless I hold it up near a front window. 3 network fine on both phones.

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The politest man in the world.

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technicalfault Do you remember Bejam, a past giant of the British high street? These people do:

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@archidave Are you really that desperate to kill someone with a unicorn?

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