Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

August 17th, 2015

@bexxi @richardjfoster Given that that describes a British summer, I’m surprised they’re not more popular over here!

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@SimpleLampoon @charlie_cat_esq @foodwithmustard @hayles My issue here is that there’s no macaron in I.

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@hayles @charlie_cat_esq @foodwithmustard @SimpleLampoon I have a blog! *Opens mouth expectantly*

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@richardjfoster @bexxi It seems like extra engineering and I can’t quite see the benefit… But that’s probably because I’ve never had them!

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@bexxi Interesting. Strange how these things vary from place to place.

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@bexxi Are those external venetian blinds?

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Everyone’s Upstairs Neighbors via @YouTube

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So good I faved it twice

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@restingchef I’m on a fasting day on the 5:2 diet. I just wish the controversy weren’t about tasty things :)

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@seb_ly Sometimes you just *need* a value that can be any one of “yes”, “no”, or “3,258” :D

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@O2 Been having issues for three weeks, roughly. The only time I’ve seen this in previous years your status page showed mast fault.

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