paulbradshaw Whois is dead as Europe hands DNS overlord ICANN its arse • The Register

_emilyoram Lol. Bless the Guardian.
sowerbyandluff Man in supermarket on the phone, ” I can’t talk now, I’m queuing and I’ve lost Ella”. Silence. “I’ve got chicken”. Silence. “I’ll find her”.
@drewm Also: option-click on the red traffic light button of a single window. Boom! All windows closed.
@MakingBlakes7 No, but I did see him just last night in an episode of Shoestring!

Much as I’m loving the human aspects of James Tiptree Jr (aka Alice Sheldon)’s writing, the proper hard SF bits are pretty damn good, too.
Wondering what will come to south Bristol first: decent mobile broadband speed on O2, or the Metrobus. Or aliens.

Swag & tea.

Donburi and a book.

PulpLibrarian View-Master: it sold over one billion reels across the world, but it’s based on Victorian technology. How did one simple gadget get to be so popular?
This is the View-Master story…
Fantastic photo, that.

Sathnam Enoch Powell, 1968: the Sikhs’ agitation to wear the turban at work indicated a “dangerous fragmentation within society”.
The Times, today, 2018:
Ironically, music shops are often run by men who are very bad at keeping time. *side-eyes the closed shutters in front of the opening times sign*

In the bath, listening to First Aid Kit, reading How To Make a Home and without prompting, Healthmate validates all my life choices. 😂