tapbot_paul Ironic Tweet of the Day. twitter.com/Favstar_Bot/st…

They’re a fetching shade of pastel blue and quite diminutive, but apparently 5 kilos is still 5 kilos. #acheyarms ift.tt/2jTJKB9 pic.twitter.com/nFr1dHZaxb

Thanks to @_pigeons_ and @RobGMacfarlane for drawing my attention to the word “Maeinschein” :D twitter.com/RobGMacfarlane… pic.twitter.com/D3em0Tq7GC
@_pigeons_ Was that word earlier “maeinschein”?
@MakingBlakes7 One of my all-time favourites. 😍

Frayne Road. ift.tt/2rDmmLC pic.twitter.com/6KkJAhi8AP

Lunchtime. ift.tt/2IeB56U pic.twitter.com/DicSCySD7G