Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

May 23rd, 2018

MStewartAtwell Oh god what is it really

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:43 PM, May 23rd, 2018 via Tweetbot for Mac)

@mathowie @cabel Pretty sure that bookshelf rises up to reveal the Cray Y-MP underneath.

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to mathowie

GDPR (EU) 2019/847: regulation of never-ending opt-out emails caused by GDPR (EU) 2016/679.

via Tweetbot for Mac

@stillawake “All hands to the tiller”? Isn’t that something you really wouldn’t want?

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to stillawake

Avon_Stories The sound of the stream in Paradise Bottom, Leigh Woods - walking on Sunday with @gothick…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 7:09 PM, May 23rd, 2018 via Tweetbot for Mac)