Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

August 7th, 2018

@alexjcraven @rbrwr @andybeebristol I sometimes have the satnav turned on on the M4 coming home so I don’t just drive past Bristol in a daze!

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to alexjcraven

Atrioc Whoever put up this fake sticker of an open outlet at the airport, you are now my enemy for life.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 8:13 PM, Aug 7th, 2018 via Twitter Web Client)

@alexjcraven @andybeebristol The National Rail Enquiries iOS app claims to have that as a built-in feature, but I’ve not tried it myself.

via Tweetbot for iΟS in reply to alexjcraven from Bristol

@benohonestly There’s always some bit you miss. When I was painting this bedroom’s ceiling I had to touch up one tiny, not-quite-white corner of the bathroom ceiling that’d been very trivially annoying me for about a year :)

via Tweetbot for iΟS in reply to benohonestly from Bristol

If there’s one thing more interesting than watching paint dry, it’s watching grey paint dry.

via Tweetbot for Mac

This Soviet Spy Camera Was Disguised as a Camera…

via Twitter Web Client