@alexjcraven @rbrwr @andybeebristol I sometimes have the satnav turned on on the M4 coming home so I don’t just drive past Bristol in a daze!

Atrioc Whoever put up this fake sticker of an open outlet at the airport, you are now my enemy for life. pic.twitter.com/TYEJKmY6Zg
@alexjcraven @andybeebristol The National Rail Enquiries iOS app claims to have that as a built-in feature, but I’ve not tried it myself.
@benohonestly There’s always some bit you miss. When I was painting this bedroom’s ceiling I had to touch up one tiny, not-quite-white corner of the bathroom ceiling that’d been very trivially annoying me for about a year :)

If there’s one thing more interesting than watching paint dry, it’s watching grey paint dry. pic.twitter.com/HGCcaoIx4T
This Soviet Spy Camera Was Disguised as a Camera petapixel.com/2018/08/06/thi…