BBCSteveR What do you get if you cross the Doctor Who theme tune with Russian classical music? I tried…and here’s the result. @bbcdoctorwho @BBCOne pic.twitter.com/H3BPzGrzms
@invalidname “Bank Accounts”? “Ferret Porn”? “Firefly Season 2”?
Twitter Sexy Edit Button twitter.com/SummerRay/stat…
Well. If you like your SF/horror, have Netflix, and haven’t seen Annihilation yet, I’d recommend it.

robsmallshire Instructions: Insert USB memory stick (yellow) through whirling blades of death. pic.twitter.com/owl4MoqG1S
robsmallshire I have entered the world of firmware updates for lawnmowers.
WeeMissBea I put rosemary oil on myself today because I love the smell & it perks me up, but then someone in the office keeps asking if “anyone else can smell a roast chicken?”. I’ve told him not to be silly and that he’s probably having a stroke.

M_Z_Harrison Absolutely dreadful news – myxomatosis has jumped to hares, it’s now been confirmed. If you find a dead hare other than roadkill please photograph it and send the pics and exact location to researchers at UEA: d.bell@uea.ac.upic.twitter.com/q1i6GPLW4C4C