Okwonga Arsene Wenger, my God, the swag! He looks like a master assassin who’s reluctantly come out of retirement to kill John Wick. pic.twitter.com/i266HUqiSn

VILA: What about you?
AVON: What about me?
VILA: Why don’t you go?
AVON: You are expendable.
VILA: And you’re not?
AVON: No, I am not. I am not expendable, I’m not stupid, and I’m not going.
#Blakes7 pic.twitter.com/H2FcNqRO6c

Looking down. pic.twitter.com/fjumVPxaLg

bendavis_86 Woah, here she comes,
Watch out boy, she’ll singe your pants,
Woah here she comes,
She’s a pic.twitter.com/x49GafE70r