Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

January 3rd, 2009

Working on a little Flickr retrospective calendar web application.

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Damn these irritating squeaky shoes! Never buying Merrells again.

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Sitting on top floor in Cafe Gusto at top of Park Street, watching the world go by while gently geeking.

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@hayles You can just lay laminate flooring over those a few times. Helps if you have high ceilings.

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Just realised I’ve had no coffee today. That explains the headache, I guess. What a druggie!

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@hayles I want to go check out Wildlife Photographer of the Year, so I’m going to brave the chilliness!

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Oooh, what a lovely day. Must get dressed and get out. Maybe with a camera.

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