Oooh, good, Snow and Rock do late night Thursday shopping. Just hope they have a “fat bloke” section.
@bexxi I might have to if I can’t find a pair of salopettes that fit me! Bet they won’t let me take knitting needles in carry-on, though!
@hayles I’d rather have mine than the needle. I didn’t see mine coming!
@hayles You have my sympathies! (Could be worse, mind: !)
@bexxi I prefer natural remedies :)
@bexxi For the warmth!
Gah! Have been growing my beard longer for snowboarding but now it’s so itchy I’m going to have to trim it… - Looks like I’m walking! - Sacred now.
@floyduk Followed it on Twitter but not that bothered. More stuff I either can’t afford or don’t need. The iMovie IS filter is interesting.