Ooooulp. Well, at least your redressing has helped. Hope it all feels better soon.
@hayles Ow. What happened to arm? Hate it when trivial stuff like work gets in the way of vital Twitter updates. “Hey! I was watching that!”
@hayles That’d be interesting, but I’m not sure I’d risk it even if it looked frozen over! PS: Vimeo did a better job:
Gah! Last year’s salopettes are too small for me, and now I’m depressed.
Oooh, one day after I get a Kodak Zi6 and produce some wobbly video footage, Apple announces iMovie image stabilisation filter. Handy!
@hayles I tried, but it hasn’t come out so clearly in the YouTube version!
Had sudden urge for fish and chips. Now waiting in nice warm shop :-)
@hayles Didn’t have my camera with me, unfortunately. Took a bit of video on the new Zi6, but I don’t know how well it turned out yet…
COLD! Never seen that much ice on the harbour before.