Damn, this wine is nice.
@liveindetail Oh, okay, new worst-case scenario: your credit card details are stolen and you end your life in a cardboard box.
@liveindetail I have considered these scary possibilities and signed up anyway. Go on. Worst case, you lose some money.
@ahnlak Jeez. I really should have been up into your attic before, shouldn’t I?
Might be time to start in on the next part of my day off… instagram.com/p/fLV0KuJC-R/

Actually, while I’ve got the gear out, I might just upgrade the speakers in the bathroom amp..pic.twitter.com/yzpmge7eq0q0

Oooh. Shiny new @capoapp version 3, with automatic chord detection. pic.twitter.com/U6nbA3dZzf
@guriben I did a lot of practice when I was younger. Toughest thing I ever put together was a Velleman LCD oscilloscope. (Still works!)
@guriben Big pad. That’s the pins for the terminal block to connect the speaker.
I think he *may* have been commenting on my devotion to GCSE homework.
Mr Moorshead proposed the “Gibson Gate”: Apply 2 volts. A week later, 1 volt comes out with an excuse why the other 1 isn’t there yet.

My soldering skills don’t seem to have completely atrophied. (Thank you, Mr Moorshead, my GCSE electronics teacher.) pic.twitter.com/v0VIWdoPpI
Maplin’s “Crazy Music Generator” kit. “Crazy”, I’ll give them. “Music”, I’m not so sure. youtube.com/watch?v=VbGnGg… @guriben
@psidnell This thing. maplin.co.uk/crazy-music-ge… It sounds AWFUL.
Device. instagram.com/p/fLANDIJCx8/
@jheftmann You realise you posted that on Google+, right?
@guriben Think I might wait until it gets cold before I start shopping for coats.
@guriben No, never felt the need to even investigate stuff like that.

@guriben So am I. Which is just as well, given that I’m using OpenGL ES 2… PS: particles! Under gravity! ;pic.twitter.com/xBrfHfl7S0S0

That sound? That was my respect for Android doubling after I read the constants defined in SensorManager :D pic.twitter.com/mynLsLcuDh
S’pose I should get dressed. Maybe one more coffee. #dayoff
BabsBat Today I have to buy stamps & post something just like our ancestors the dinosaurs.
@ratsass @wood5y Thing is, they *really* bothered crowbarring awful adverts into it that aren’t on the mobile site. Odd.
@adamgasson Yeah, basically: sleazy.
@benjohnbarnes @njj4 Government computers were paid for by hard-working taxpayers, you know. Can’t waste CPU stripping spaces for proles.
@wood5y Oh yes, my rating there was definitely in descending order.
@wood5y The Evening Post is now ranking somewhere in between a porn site run by the mafia and the Daily Mail.
@wood5y I find the sleaziness level of the advertising on a site a useful gauge of its likely integrity.
@wood5y No, I generally don’t. I just avoid sites with offensively awful adverts.
Think that one will be joining a certain national daily on the OpenDNS block list.
Ouch. Hadn’t opened the Evening Post site on a normal computer for a while. Advertising popunders? *wipes sleaze off self* *closes windows*
@Bristol52 Here y’go, then. flickr.com/photos/matt_gi… #bloons
Oh! @ClearlyAM is a *person*? Called Anne-Marie? I’d always assumed they were a radio station.

So, what am I going to do with my new-found freedom today..pic.twitter.com/N9Nmzdeh1O1O
@kitt3n @Kavey I would definitely check out @Lovelytart1. lovelytart.com
@benjohnbarnes @AthanSpod Ah. I use “the inevitability of my own failure” to avoid issues like that.
@Kavey @kitt3n This “not having been to the Lido” problem we share must be addressed the next time you’re up here…
I might still be in my dressing gown, drinking coffee.
I don’t have to go to work this week. It’s ace. I mean, I have to *work*, I just don’t have to go somewhere to do it.
Morning all.
“Millennium”, damn it. Two “n”s.
@derekarridge Nope.

@hayles Oh yeah. It’s like that spooky-yet-sometimes-helpful Google Now thing on Android. pic.twitter.com/wkO3Lq5uvb