Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

October 28th, 2013

Not completely convinced by the new iOS 7 refresh of Angry Birds.

via Echofon

@Malarkey The Edit option in just fires you at, but you can change them there.

via Echofon in reply to Malarkey

@shezza_t My local Co-Op rearranged all its stuff about 3 months ago, and I *still* feel like a dumb tourist when I’m trying to find things.

via Echofon in reply to shezza_t

@youngandfoodish Prepare yourself for an onslaught of tea criticism.

via Echofon in reply to youngandfoodish

@stroughtonsmith This is the hallmark of an app upgrade that seriously breaks compatibility with previous documents…

via Echofon in reply to stroughtonsmith

aral RT @jmerriman: I talked to Adobe yesterday:

Nothing says ‘we care’ like canned responses.

via Tweetbot for iOS (retweeted on 2:11 PM, Oct 28th, 2013 via Tweetbot for iOS)

I now own a square of darkness.

via Instagram

@LukeSonny I believe it’s a combination of mass hysteria, mass sarcasm, and some slightly stronger wind than usual.

via Echofon in reply to LukeSonny

News: Yahoo updates UK weather app with more realistic graphics.

via Echofon

petepaphides Drugs finally took their toll on Lou Reed, according to one newspaper. He’d have died a lot sooner if he had a doughnut habit.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 9:23 AM, Oct 28th, 2013 via Tweetbot for iOS)