Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

October 23rd, 2013

“Just another ten seconds of running, Dave. No, walking, no, cool down, no, run again! Run! Walk! Ruuuuwwwwaaaaalk! … Daisy, daisy…”

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Doing test runs of @getrunningapp on four different devices at once. It’s a bit like having a robot personal trainer with a scrambled brain.

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@Souterain You won’t generally see that from me :)

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simoncroberts There are more people taking pictures of trees than there are trees at Westonbirt national arboretum today. It’s the autumn bloom paparazzi.

via Tweetbot for iOS (retweeted on 2:14 PM, Oct 23rd, 2013 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Seriously malty smell emerging onto North Street from @BrisBeerFactory today…

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Oh, those 1960s facilities. So attractive.

via Instagram

Off to see if there’s space to do some lunchtime work at the Thali Cafe in Bedmo…

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@talkie_tim Too late. After a landslide vote for colour, that’s the one I entered.

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@jakepjohnson @stillawake Yeah, I was lucky I finished a contract the week before, otherwise I’d’ve been too busy.

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@stillawake Okay, I entered the colour one :)

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@leigh Erm. I’ve only got a trackpad on my Mavericks box; scrolls with that. (Disclaimer: I may not be running final release of 10.9.)

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@KellySibson Yeah. I’m going to call it a landscape, and let the river lead people to the bridge.

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@KellySibson Yeah, I think that’s my problem. I thought it was about the bridge (it was when I took it.) But maybe it’s a landscape.

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@leigh So useful having it continuous scroll rather than month-by-month, though…

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Okay, due to popular vote, the colour version won.

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@Mouse_House Well, you’re definitely not alone.

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@shezza_t @kshack22 Hrm. I just submitted the b&w version, but it may not be too late to change…

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@Mouse_House I like the colours, too, but I think I slightly prefer the feel of the black and white one now I’ve brought out some detail.

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@Mouse_House Damn it, I’d just decided on the black and white, after a bit more editing…

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@talkie_tim To be fair, looks like the other options are “bit gormless”, or “too happy for a newspaper picture”.…

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@ScottPalfrey Thank you. (I may end up tossing a coin at this rate!)

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Having one of those really indecisive “Colour or black and white?” moments.

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@ahnlak Sadly, 50p more than Amazon’s priciest, same price as iTunes. I sucked it up and paid the premium not to have them send me a CD :(

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So. Today: final processing of a few photos for @24hoursBristol, some WordPress work, and testing new version of @getrunningapp for Android.

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@pilky Really? Been fine for me.

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@ahnlak They normally don’t do that to me. This time they’re reminding me of Adobe, and that’s never good.

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@talkie_tim Well, “sorry” is the hardest word.

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The result: I don’t really want to buy either, now.

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Odd. I want to buy an mp3 download. @AmazonUK would rather I buy an mp3 download with some extra plastic and metal.

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@charlesarthur “This is how long it would take you to drive to work, despite the fact that you no longer work there, and you never drove.”

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@charlesarthur It’s persistent, too. I deleted my former “Work”-tagged address to try to stop it, but it’s still telling me…

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@guriben But I like big data. Maybe it’s just because I’m getting old. These spreadsheets are just easier to read in a 36pt font.

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