@C_J_Fox I was lusting over one of those in Bristol Guild last year. Can’t even afford a repro Barcelona chair right now :(
shezza_t Twitter: I don’t have any fresh chillies, would it be ok to use a sauce like Tabasco in a marinade? Or should I just get fresh 1s tomorrow?
Someone mentioned Bowie in passing on here and I now appear to be about halfway through the Berlin trilogy on Spotify.
@hayles Thanks for that. Just been reminded that I was born while the Vietnam war was still going on.
Google seem very keen on inviting me to Helpouts. Not quite sure why. Or who I’d help out.
mims Just think how revolutionary the light switch would seem if until now we’d all been forced to control our homes through smartphones.
@OpinionatedGeek Have you considered a restraining order?
Looking good, hanging with the wild bunch, looking good, in a Buffalo Stance…
@drewm I wonder if anyone’s written the Acorn story? Probably make a great nostalgia book for UK geeks.
@drewm Holy moley. It’s still available: stronged.iconbar.com
@drewm :D
@drewm I think you probably stayed on RISC OS later than I did. Pretty sure the A440 was my last one.
@drewm (If you weren’t using Emacs but you were a geek, my guess would be StrongED.)
@drewm Ah. Well, in *that* case it might still have ground to a halt. Though I was using MicroEMACS on an A440 in 1996…
@libbymiller :(
@drewm And there’s your problem. If it were 1996 you’d be using Emacs and it would work.

Ri_Science #OnThisDay in 1903, ‘scientific hooligan’ Maskelyne became world’s first hacker during a Fleming lecture at the Ri pic.twitter.com/QQFoE5EAAw