@marcoarment Though perhaps a nail bar with a target audience of “people standing around for a Genius appointment” could be profitable.
Checking Stack Overflow sometimes feels like being House on clinic duty. “You’re an idiot. Next!”
Oooh. Shiny software update to Final Cut Pro X and lots of codecs.
@lauramalarkey Yur. Bearing in mind places I might want to move to are about £20,000 more than this flat, makes it tough to commit to move.
@ahnlak Always on the lookout for new and interesting ways to fuck things up.
@lauramalarkey I had three estate agents come out last time. Difference between highest and lowest was £40,000…
@lauramalarkey I need to get this place valued again.
@jsfox8 @lilythepurr …and that was actually the feature that got him recommended to me, so I’m guessing it was good for business.
@jsfox8 @lilythepurr Best barber I ever had was self-conscious about stutter. Said hi, told me how much at the end, blissful quiet between.
@ahnlak There comes a time when you have to stop micromanaging every packet.
@ahnlak (But for actual DNS service, Fastmail’s is free with my mail and automatically sorts out SPF/DKIM records, etc.)
@ahnlak I’ve had good results with Hover, and it’s Hover and Gandi that normally end up getting recommended in geek straw polls.
@ahnlak Yeah. I wouldn’t have put “DNSMadeEasy” top of my list of reassuring names. However: solvedns.com/dns-comparison/
@ahnlak Yeah. I wish @hover could cope with transfer in of UK domains automatically. Where are yours? Gandi?
@ahnlak …so that when the real move happens, it’s only the name servers that can get cocked up.
@ahnlak I’m moving them manually to Fastmail myself, and pointing 123-reg to their name servers…
Ah, the edge-of-your-seat excitement of moving DNS records from one nameserver to another. It’s all go here.
CafeRevival Attention all Cafés! We were burgled last night, apparently #bristol Cafés are being targeted. @BristolPound @RetailProject @GeorgeFergusonx

@chubbybannister @MillieBooLewis I could not resist: pic.twitter.com/bUHfn4pMBb

Dezeen Popular today: disused Paris Metro stations converted into swimming pools —dezeen.com/2014/02/11/con…Rpic.twitter.com/ChPsa7IAS0S0
@chubbybannister @MillieBooLewis They were open when I passed them earlier. Went in yesterday and it’s as they say: *everything* 1/2 price.
@guriben @jakepjohnson Ooopsie. (Also: Just checked. USB 2.0 is 0.5A.)
@guriben @jakepjohnson @chubbybannister …which I’d mostly put down to dodgy hubs and stuff.
@guriben @jakepjohnson @chubbybannister Well, they’re meant to be, but I’ve certainly seen a lot of people struggling to charge iPads…
@chubbybannister No prob.
@chubbybannister …which explains the problem completely, so hopefully all should be good from now on.
@chubbybannister Yup. If it was from an elderly iPod, it might have been significantly weedier than even an iPhone charger…
@chubbybannister @jakepjohnson …Apple have annoying habit of making it 6-point font in the same colour as the plug, because design.
@chubbybannister It’s the plug. You’ll probably find that they actually have different writing on them, but…
@jakepjohnson @chubbybannister …as device will simply take as much current as it needs to do its charging. So iPhone on iPad charger OK.
@jakepjohnson @chubbybannister But a charger capable of supplying more current than a device needs to charge is fine…
@jakepjohnson @chubbybannister Yes. Though If you turn them off and plug them into a decent USB port they’ll probably charge eventually.
@chubbybannister Nope.
Moroccan mint tea to follow up my lunchtime virgin mojito. It’s a minty kind of day.
@chubbybannister That will help a lot. Typical iPhone charger: 5 watts max output. iPad charger: 12 watts of glorious, fast-charging POWER.
@chubbybannister No. How are you charging it? The charger that came with it originally will have more wellie than most.
@charlie_cat_esq @jakepjohnson I need ALL OF MY STUFFS. Lovely idea but I wouldn’t last a month. You buy one, I’ll visit.
@charlie_cat_esq I’m not surprised. I know it has its downsides, but most crew seem to really love the majority of the job.

Also always enjoyed the leap ashore. pic.twitter.com/RSll3fPDA5
@johnfbraun Butternut squash and stilton. *Removes sunglasses* Wanna make something of it?

I’ve always enjoyed watching the Bristol Ferry “en passant” lunch handover :) pic.twitter.com/QDVPcp80Yo
Real men eat quiche. instagram.com/p/pyaqFSpC2U/
Heading into town, the lazy way. instagram.com/p/pyXT2WpCyK/
@mcprobbook Go for it.
I may brave the rain later to go down for the very last day of @SourdoughCafe.
@guriben *Attempts sympathy* *Gives up* *Points and laughs*
@BubbleButton That looks lush. Hope I’ve got eggs in…
rygorous PROTIP: Turn data into big data by encoding it as XML.
Guess I needn’t have bothered watering the hanging basket ten minutes ago, then. #torrent
@ahnlak 5 is bloody brilliant, you know. Give it a go.
@ahnlak yeah, but may as well learn the basics. Think LR 6 will be available standalone? Or only in the subscription bundle?
@monicashaw I love LightRoom. Photoshop so intimidatingly huge that I’ve been putting off using it for literal years.