@jdriscoll The medium. The smaller Milanese loop was a nice fit for me, too.
@jdriscoll I found them unexpectedly well-fitting for my small wrists. Think it’s because I normally try on “men’s” watches, not unisex.
@iphonefool I know it sounds a bit crazy, but it really works. Luckily I was in a try-before-you-buy situation, too :D
Mmmmmmmm. instagram.com/p/2gy_W8pC-1/
@tsunimee Indeed. Is no-one using Meerkat? That’s got an Android app.
@tsunimee I’ve never broadcast with it, but I wouldn’t have known Android users can’t see it. The only one I’ve watched was on my PC.
Oooh. Shiny new Natalie Merchant live album on Spotify. open.spotify.com/album/4ky1PYJA…
Bloggity: First shots from the Fujifilm X100T gothick.org.uk/2015/05/10/fir…
@chubbybannister Thank you. It’s been many years since I bought a “nice” watch :)

So. I did not buy an Apple Watch today. I did, however, buy a watch. pic.twitter.com/rFFBuJ59uu
Playing. instagram.com/p/2f_gFnpC3p/
amayfield Spiders sprayed with graphene produce carbon silk bit.ly/1ANqSmV