Waiting for the boat. pic.twitter.com/Csu78MHJtW

Stepping out #bristol pic.twitter.com/aV4Lo39xwl
Lush mushrooms on toast. @ AhhToots instagram.com/p/20npBpJCxn/
@ahnlak I was wondering that too. And I’ve got the day off…

Awaiting lunch in one of my favourite Bristol hangouts. pic.twitter.com/cMhESY706E

Walking into town in this unexpected break in the rain. #Bristol pic.twitter.com/lS8thuzGMY
@RedBristolGreen @charlie_cat_esq …sadly, the frontage is the only nice bit. Typically dismal 1970s-style offices behind.
@RedBristolGreen @charlie_cat_esq End of Broad Street, near the old city gate. It was NatWest Insurance Services when I was there…
@obotheclown @Bristolvor If it’s the one I’ve been on, it’s a Turkish saz, and he’s a very nice Italian guy called Alex.
@charlie_cat_esq I worked in it for years! It’s much nicer just looked at from the front ;)