@maureenjohnson I can only assume that the inflatable butler with the parasol is just out of shot.

Snappity: Caley Thistle flickr.com/photos/matt_gi… #glasgow pic.twitter.com/u2SAvGxoZ4
(Thanks to @Kavey and @petedrinks for looking after my Bunnahabhain after I forgot to pick it up leaving the holiday home. D’oh!)
Home. Due to a logistical error on my part am now drinking Bruichladdich out of a Bunnahabhain glass. Hope this is not big whisky faux pas.
@samsneed12 Once you figure them out they’re worth every penny.
kulturhack Confession: I’m not a sports person, so I understandably thought that Sepp Blatter was a Bond villain in a discovered Fleming manuscript.

Will_Hawkes Bristol, beer destination. And it’s only going to get better … independent.co.uk/life-style/foo… pic.twitter.com/CuEULviC6b

gemmacorrell Folk remedies for Technology … pic.twitter.com/bm1vHPiROi

Ah. Scottish Cup Final day, then? #amclueless pic.twitter.com/hoG3l9R9vF

Glad I nipped into town instead of waiting for connection at the airport. Glasgow’s a great place. pic.twitter.com/lI0M9TWI0P
Glasgow brilliance #5753: even the living statues have traffic cones on their heads. #realism instagram.com/p/3TZaPEJC0r/

.@csoanes Racing the clouds home ;) pic.twitter.com/8fBQOFJOL3