@_pigeons_ *Blows smoke from end of magic fingers* *Stares stonily into distance* My work here is done.
gothick Blog: Mission to Destiny, in which I spend two decades getting three autographs. Plus some photos from _Blake_ gothick.org.uk/2017/06/12/mis…
@ahnlak Aha! Makes me wish I’d been arsed to take that idea further myself ;)

@dayoneapp Done, thanks.
@CharlieEsq_ @RealDramRob I wonder if @Saralimback might be able to help?
@lucyleid Are you getting Facebook mail with completely inappropriate job offers from recruitment agents?
@RevRichardColes There’s only one course of action: challenge them to a duel in the neutral ground of buffet car.
Second delivery guy today who believes the first floor is likely to be found by going *down* the steps from the street. *Nonplussed face*
@Kavey I’m sorry? I can’t hear you over MY DELICIOUS AND ENTIRELY NECESSARY LAKE OF TEA.
@Sirius7dk I’ve seen the cars with the green lights (mostly in London, I think), but I’ve never actually seen them being used.

Sometimes, one needs a little more tea than seems quite proper. pic.twitter.com/y8yaBFCc4l

indiespiritbath Top trolling here. Bet its just a crayon picture of a duck saying the bus is almost here. pic.twitter.com/7CtI7wSWj9
@dayoneapp Bug in 2.2 on macOS: drag file to journal, type, hit “Done”: stuff I typed disappears. Any hints? Ta! youtube.com/watch?v=IBaBe3…

dayoneapp Day One is launching iOS and Mac v2.2 on Monday with End-to-end encryption. 🔑
FAQ: help.dayoneapp.com/day-one-sync/e… pic.twitter.com/jAYJTmZvbp

OfficialUoM #OnThisDay 60 years ago our @jodrellbank’s Lovell Telescope was first put into powered operation. Happy Birthday! pic.twitter.com/ig6l3UTEJo