Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

June 19th, 2017

@drwave If we work on our special relationship we could end up with one government too incompetent to implement their mean ideas.

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@snazbaz @YoBikeUK That would be good. They *were* on the map the first time I tried YoBike, but aren’t there now 🙁

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BristolCouncil One lane of Plimsoll Bridge is closed to traffic for emergency repairs. Avoid the outbound route where…lQ

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@ahnlak Bloody hell. It *must* be bad out there!

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@TheBloggess Now, you’re *absolutely* sure it’s fake, right?

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surfbordt this is a bus. Lyft invented a bus. Lyft shuttle is a bus.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 4:19 PM, Jun 19th, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

@galg Heh. By the time anyone in the UK has had time to say “HOW MUCH!?” to the price of domestic aircon, the heatwave has usually passed :D

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@galg No, this is the joy of my lovely cool basement flat. Everyone else in the UK appears to be melting into puddles as the temps hit 30+

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@ahnlak Hey, I moan about this place in winter; it’s only fair I’m smug about it during heatwaves!

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Slowly creeping up, but still okay. The blast of heat I got opening the door to the postman was enough to…Or

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@wood5y I’m still not sure I can make sense of the original sentence given that definition.

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HayekandHockey Old Twitter vs New Twitter

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@wood5y Er… That’s not what “hinterland”means, is it? Or am I completely misunderstanding the article?

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It may be time for my first uncaffeinated drink of the day… Maybe.

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StuFlemingNZ “Hi, I’ve found a fault with the English language and I need an entomologist”
“An etymologist you mean?”
“Νo. It’s a bug, not a feature”

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tara_mulholland Looked up to see this guy soundchecking outside No. 10 and for a second I thought Bill Bailey had become Prime…FG

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Avon_Stories Avon Stories podcast #2: About the Bristol-Portishead railway, and why it came, was closed, & how it could return…

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steveparks Quick PSA as a former journo:

Today you’ll see different approach to reporting from Borough market because suspect will face trial…

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