Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

June 28th, 2017

@thomasvenables Yeah. That can happen. I’m assured it’s better than the alternative.

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juanbuis this amazing thing lets you generate terrible instagram posts

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@psidnell Can we make it 1978? Wouldn’t want to wait too long for Blake’s 7.

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So. My first experience with @BristolCouncil’s pre-paid green waste collection isn’t great, so far.

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@RadioKate Any equation multiplied by HALLOUMI is a great equation.

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@ambignostic @alexandraerin Me too, and I don’t even know what Sasquatch of Plinth’s real screenname is.

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rbrwr @gothick They jam, and the electricity backs up until it floods. Probably causes a thunderstorm or something.

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Taking advantage of the nice rain to “dust” the house plants :D

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@OpinionatedGeek …but it’ll depend on a lot of factors. I wasn’t being too precious; just wanted some kind of “…GQ

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@OpinionatedGeek Dunno. I scanned my old prints and once I was into a rhythm and could do it while watching telly it wasn’t so painful.

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@cybermango Wow. Someone’s really not a fan of graven idols.

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@OpinionatedGeek (Sorry, that was more a reply to the scanner question later!)

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@OpinionatedGeek Whatever you choose, get one of the ones that pulls a strip though rather than a flatbed.…Vk

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@mhoulden They seem to have processes for that these days, at least. They noticed an out-of-bound reading a few…eG

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@mhoulden Do they? It’s been here since I moved in, eighteen years ago.

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So, er, what happens when they wrap around? I’d like to think “nothing”, but I can only imagine utility company…eV

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