Delicate touch. ift.tt/2vBRTT7 pic.twitter.com/t8G2sKNZsE

Jojo says hello. ift.tt/2vU3fwQ pic.twitter.com/GEDJbMFTIz
RexHuppke If we all lean in one direction at the same time maybe we can get this over with a little quicker. twitter.com/cnn/status/903…

@Captain_Reg @TechCorrect If you’ve got the same settings (mine’s a 215j) these might be worth fiddling with. pic.twitter.com/dDDeXgcW1l
@Kavey Eight pairs. One for every day of the week plus a spare :D I love a colourful sock, I do.

NEW SOCK JOY. ift.tt/2grKmf5 pic.twitter.com/XINnhX6ULY