@stroughtonsmith Are they slowly going to dial the version number backwards? :)
@doctorow …this time last year we were probably hoping they *wouldn’t* use it.
@tiffanyarment @bdkjones Frown hard for Apple Pay.
@charlesarthur @jaggeree Let’s see them chase *that* demo video with a poo emoji gag.
@neilhimself I imagine the temptation to *start* being sarcastic must be quite strong right now.
sigridellis I can’t be the only person thinking this is EXACTLY the cyberpunk dystopia I was promised. I mean, seriously:
@garymarshall I am actually very tempted.
Is this everyone else’s Daily Deal, too, or did my Echo just overhear me swearing while I swept the lounge yesterda..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…0b
@Ihnatko Still a fine phone, but I’m really hoping for an upgrade at some point…
@reedreeder @soffes It seems a little more RTD Doctor Who than Blade Runner. I’m not sure which one I’d feel safer in…
@benthompson Craig’s evil twin reset it while he wasn’t looking.
“My hangover was so bad I couldn’t unlock my iPhone X…”
RikerGoogling can my transporter clone unlock my combadge x with face id

@paipoldubai @AppleSupport Same here on the Apple TV 3. (Now watching in YouTube app on Fire TV!) pic.twitter.com/UglOHFEgFU
Ah, that might explain it. twitter.com/vexentrix/stat…
@Phooto I tried quite a few times, including rebooting. Watching Sleepy Hollow on the Fire TV instead now!
@Phooto It doesn’t have to be something local. Maybe if you disconnected and retried you’d be the unlucky one.
@guriben Nothing I do makes that mantelpiece look not-dusty. *sigh*
@Phooto Well bully for you. I and my 50mbps fibre are looking at an error message.
@RogerWCheng My new band’s name will be “Unfortunate Ellipsis”.
PKMBook Charlotte Gainsbourg announces first album in seven years | Dazed ow.ly/i6mk30f4owh

Call barring. ift.tt/2wXuoCV pic.twitter.com/MpCwTOEQmn
@wood5y It’s reet grand aht.

Mornin’, Bristol. pic.twitter.com/sgu01Fcn0a

tomgauld ‘Useful abbreviations for the time-pressed online reader’ (for @guardianreview) pic.twitter.com/Kr9dGbobrg

Mikel_Jollett The dog is the real hero here pic.twitter.com/ExVTAEa0L1