@_pigeons_ @Swishrelic 720 should be fine. That’s still quite a lot of pixels.
@_pigeons_ @Swishrelic Sorry, 50, I meant. One of the lower resolution but higher frame rate options lower down the list.
@_pigeons_ @Swishrelic …upping to 30 frames per second and see if that makes any difference.
@_pigeons_ @Swishrelic …next time we meet, remind me to bring my MacBook and we can see the same video looks chop..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…Te
@_pigeons_ @Swishrelic I know very little about video. I can lend you a faster card if you want to try and see if i..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…eN

Autumn 900. #igersbristol ift.tt/2hvlbMM pic.twitter.com/AHxdt8tQpI