@Seej500 (I tried to fix it for a week, then caved and bought a BT keyboard and mouse with their own dongle and shu..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…p0
@Seej500 It just sounded eerily familiar. I have an Asus where, out of the box, the built-in Bluetooth murders the..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…Va
@Seej500 It doesn’t happen to be an Asus laptop that also has Bluetooth turned on, does it?
DropboxDesign Announcing the biggest change to the Dropbox brand in our 10-year history 🎈 dropbox.design
@talkie_tim Having fun, dear?

347/365 Art Deco threesixfive.gothick.org.uk/2017/10/03/art… pic.twitter.com/4jXDHW8HvF
@ExeterPANetwork I do not, but I’ve re-tweeted. Never know…
ExeterPANetwork #PAshoutout HELP please! Could you recommend a #photographer in #Bristol for conference photography? Thanks!