Not completely convinced that less is more. pic.twitter.com/jOpR1Q560X

colincampbell latest New Yorker cover: pic.twitter.com/gxm4vY6V68
@talkie_tim It’s the only way to get the taste out of your mouth after doing the Backwards Ferengi.

Do other SE users find it hard to hit the tiny play/pause in #iOS11 Control Centre without skipping forward/back instead? @AppleSupport pic.twitter.com/O5b7JeMiYF
@talkie_tim They will be the next thing I try. But I only knew it was coming when it turned up on the doorstep, so I’m a tad underprepared!
@talkie_tim If I never see you again, it was nice knowing you, and tell everyone not to try the pork.
@guriben Immersion heater sous vide thing. This is the consolation prize from a Kickstarter that didn’t work out :D

I had *no* idea it was going to be this big. #insertjokehere pic.twitter.com/VGEFOO7a7x