@joshu I know a man who did that sans bag. Apparently it was worth it for the look when he slapped it into her hand.
neilhimself This time, I filled everything in, @AskBankOfScot sent the SMS IMMEDIATELY and just as quickly declined the payment. Douglas Adams would have made this into a computer game by now.
Took me ages to get the crow in the photo. There were loads of crows in the field, but strangely, it turns out that a bloke standing in a field of corn looks so much like a scarecrow that they get worried :D
@benjohnbarnes I can’t actually find much about the history of Provia film; it’s possible that they might’ve been using it too!
@christianrt @LifeCycleUKteam Ah, fab, thanks!
@simondebrux Hurrah! I love an elderly rangefinder :D

@LifeCycleUKteam Do you still take bike donations at CREATE? We found an unwanted racer during a clear-out this morning! pic.twitter.com/PvvQH1SljK

Got my scans back from Photographique. Got to love the Praktica MTL3. Probably 35 years old and still going strong, even if the decal with the numbers on did fall off the shutter speed dial somewhere on this walk :D (MTL3/Fujifilm Provia 100F/Pentacon 29mm f/2.8) pic.twitter.com/FClrYwuJ1u

PessimistsArc Before video games were blamed for gun violence, novels were. (1904) pic.twitter.com/jgzDvC6wdB

gothick I enjoy many aspects of festivals. However. pic.twitter.com/oOcWosNJBd