StaxCooks Weird green light came on!!! should i be concerned? pic.twitter.com/pL3WGeIVTX

bethdean Guy who literally wrote the book on using behavioral psychology in tech to manipulate people now selling how not to be manipulated… life comes at you fast, etc. pic.twitter.com/H42eRE9jwq

postlocal Someone left old TVs outside 50 homes in Virginia while wearing a TV on his head. No one knows why. wapo.st/31CUIi3 pic.twitter.com/lcE2q9eJr7
@hayles (I wonder also if I’m in a bit of a bubble of some kind. I’m not sure I’ve seen anyone other than one particular friend pay for anything using a phone or a watch.)
@word_geek @OpinionatedGeek Well, at the moment it’s US only, so I’m assuming that anything’s easier than filling out a bunch of paperwork and signing things with your quill pen in front of a Notary Public, which I believe is still the system over there đŸ˜€
@hayles I guess I just do it the other way around: the phone is a backup, the card—for me—is quicker and easier to pay with, as I don’t need to click anything or wait for Face ID.
@OpinionatedGeek Maybe my card is more accessible than yours!
@OpinionatedGeek Isn’t that a step backwards in convenience, though? Do you always have to double-tap on the side button and then wait for Face ID before it works? I’ve never actually used my phone to pay for anything in a shop.
Oh. So will the non-US version be contactless and not metal, I wonder? Switching to a non-contactless card would seem like a step backwards for most Europeans, I’d’ve thought… twitter.com/PenLlawen/stat…