@OpinionatedGeek You’d think they’d detect sub-second advert skipping and at least serve up a different ad for something you might actually want. Bet Netflix do!

Even though I know my foot’s not actually broken, this probably wasn’t the best plan if I didn’t want to be hobbling tomorrow. pic.twitter.com/8svk7ZSWr5
Part of me is wary of giant corporations having always-on microphones in my house, but part of me wishes Amazon’s AI could just take the hint after the twentieth time I shout “oh do FUCK OFF!” at the adverts for “Back of the Net” on Prime.
ConorGogarty Heartbreaking, desperate pleas from local businesses left on the brink by two years of roadworks at Temple Gate.
‘We are haemorrhaging money every day. Enough is enough’ bristolpost.co.uk/whats-on/food-…

Bonded sunset. #bristol pic.twitter.com/0feEwNUR7r
holly And thus ends the only interesting naming convention in all of tech. Goodbye Android desserts, I will miss you
@Kavey I’ll probably leave here between three and four, assuming nothing builder-related scuppers my plans. I’ll let you know if that happens. x
On the one hand, I’m surprised it’s been as little as a year since got my crosswording pen. On the other hand, that means we’ve completed somewhere between 700 and 800 crosswords together. Gosh. twitter.com/gothick/status…
In other news, I have been X-rayed, and nothing in my foot is broken, which I guess means it went okay. (Also: less than 30 minutes from wandering into the BRI’s walk-in X-ray service to wandering out, all done. Thanks, the NHS.)
RogerQuimbly Good luck to everyone making GCSE jokes today.
So, iOS, you can cleverly tell that I’ve walked 1408 steps today, and that I’m currently driving at 30mph with my phone plugged into a car, but you *can’t* tell that this isn’t a great time to set off the automatic wake-up alarm from the “Bedtime” feature?