FOUL LANGUAGE/SEXUALITY/VIOLENCE screams the warning at the start of Criminal Minds. Yes, I think, and that’s just Garcia…
Si_Hart Anyone got any frotting pencils?
Is that the job description? Christ, I really should start writing, shouldn’t I?…
@MrEdGibson @paulclammer I bet someone’s swearing now!
MrEdGibson @gothick @paulclammer I spoke to the seller at the time with a view to buying it - I mentioned an old friend who grew up nearby remembers it flooding regularly. He swore blind my friend was wrong.
@paulclammer And it was recently sold with a licence to bottle the water!…

Went to take a look at the new Jacob’s Wells Road sign board, outside the old well house, and found that the place was flooding out the door and onto the street! Wonder if it’s actual well water…