Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

February 27th, 2021

@Bingo_Little I need a remote window-dog rating, stat!

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A bijou kitchen, in need of some updating.

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I’d also like to thank my friend Lisa, who’s a lot more Urbex-brave than I am, without whom I’d never have gone into a TERRIFYING DISUSED RAILWAY TUNNEL OOOOOOooOOOOOooOOOOOOo

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First photo from today’s one-mile Matt walk that showed up in Lightroom is also exactly the kind of photo that they’re going to retrieve from the camera they find hanging around my skeleton’s neck in a hundred years’ time.

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While I’m very glad that the latest Julien Baker album has arrived, this packaging is a tad OTT. (I tried Rough Trade first, if I remember correctly, but I don’t think it was available for pre-order there at the time…)

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