RikerGoogling ed balls
AndyGilder James Nesbitt is DCI Scowly McBrooding in new BBC One drama “Angry Irishman”, Sunday at 9pm.

Pogue This is the COOLEST. A Google Earth-type representation of the planet. Every green dot is a radio station. Click any dot to listen in. It’s like cultural teleportation. You could spend hours with this thing..radio.gardenvpic.twitter.com/VJgyzVClJDJD

susanamet cow has learned how to open an electric fence pic.twitter.com/tlzHNyoz7S

azrael2393 Pamela Colman Smith, known as Pixie. Artist of the RWS Tarot. Colourised with the latest AI algorithms.
#tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #goldendawn #magick #occult #occultphotography #pamelacolmansmith #pamelacolmansmithtarot pic.twitter.com/VlnkkGUFcI
When you pick your way across a floor that’s not quite dry from when you mopped it an hour ago and you feel like you’re in The Adventure Game.
Do you remember the good old days when Lightroom was a reliable application?