@Hartley4Hotwell Thanks!

@Hartley4Hotwell Hi Alex. Are you aware of this new fly-tipping magnet created at the corner of Hotwell Road? Any idea whether the land is council-owned or belongs to the developer who put the fence up? Thanks. pic.twitter.com/h8oo45qGds
cstross Prime Minister’s office infected with NSO Group spyware (Also the Foreign and Commonwealth Office). Likely hacked by UAE, India, Cyprus, Jordan. (Note: could be non-state actors: Cyprus in particular is home to a bunch of rich Russian expats—it’s a cheap EU passport source.)twitter.com/jsrailton/stat…m
The Mayo Cannibals is either my new band name or, quite possibly, an Irish roller derby team. twitter.com/kwargamer/stat…

Hashtag Clifton. And that’s not just the wrapper, that’s a full, new chicken mayo sarnie the little bugger just nicked from somewhere… pic.twitter.com/ZLsapFvdHh

Rare capture of a Klingon Bird of Prey passing by Clifton Village, apparently… pic.twitter.com/KjMneeivcu