@ColumboScreens I’d look like that if I were in the episode with Gretchen Corbett.

@JamesAHogg2 @BriggsNicholas Played this single nearly to death on my Dansette when I was a kid. Delighted still to have it! pic.twitter.com/5McPvvn0Iw

AgrapidiL Grèce
Chaniá • Crète
© Gianis Angelakis pic.twitter.com/1gJoyfY2KO
@CharlieVivante SOME people just like umami saltiness and there’s no shame in that. Not ME, obvs. And the Kallø ones are much better for that anyway.
@karenwhite03 No, but I’m feeling guiltier about them today, if that helps?
@mcl_deonna @conoroneill15 Hear hear! I do feel that some of my favourite shows of all time are my favourites *because* they didn’t go on too long, but the OA felt like it was really just starting to rev its freakish engine.
@lilydoughball I care but I also know exactly what you mean x
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