@hxcprogrammer @CubicleApril Yup, me too. I also hear good things about Moom but Magnet seems to do all the things I want.
@CubicleApril I definitely second Alfred and 1Password. I’m an Omnifocus person but I’m glad there’s so much choice in to-do apps. For notes I use Notion for some things, but one app I’d find hard to replace if I had to move platforms is DevonThink.

Sunday walk. #Bristol pic.twitter.com/TcRhTveOlc

GrahamOfTheDead Absolute bullshit. I can distinctly remember the day Thundercats was first shown on BBC1. pic.twitter.com/KSWPjCU7Dm
@stalman If they still sold a 27” iMac I might’ve moved on to Apple Silicon by now. As it is it might be that my next upgrade is a secondhand, newer, 27” Intel iMac…