ctrlcreep What you mistook for a witch hat was a stack of books balanced on her head, the topmost grimoire no larger than your thumb nail
@beardedjourno @martr101 @hugenuge @dangusset @hccabristol @StephenWi11iams *crosses fingers*
JTLonsdale It’s been a mystery why Roman concrete often lasted thousands of years, but ours decays in mere decades.
Turns out they incorporated chemicals in a process that induces self-healing; scientists at MIT just figured this all out - in 2022.
@iamtheshunt1 Very.

NickHowes13 Rare cine film of Ashton Avenue road/rail bridge swung open for a sand dredger with the bonus of a steam train on the Portishead branch at Clifton Bridge station. pic.twitter.com/HW4cAmWzic