Started sorting through the photos from Hendon, looking for my picks.
Fantastic. Genesis of the Daleks on its way from LoveFilm. That’ll keep me going on the exercise bike for a while…
Nap: check. Exercise: check. Dinner: check. Lunch for tomorrow: check. Spooks watched: check. Okay, time for Greek.
Con: I have six months left to run on my phone contract. Pro: There might be a phone I really want out by then.
@sean_robbins no worries. It’s a different set of lectures from the ones I used (guess they re-do them every term) but they should be good
@bobbyllew Of course, you didn’t see his first eighty-three takes accompanied by swearing and the replacement of eleven torn-up greenscreens
Okay. Power nap. Exercise bike. Dinner. Greek homework. Make tomorrow’s lunch. Put bins out. Process photos. Might manage half of that…
Anyone know a Symbian twitter client that doesn’t need you to grant it network access and specify a connection _every_ time it starts?
*yawn* must learn not to start fiddling with phone firmware at 11pm.