Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

November 8th, 2008

Just processed my Rainbow Warrior pictures. Now have a sudden urge to read Neal Stephenson’s Zodiac again.

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Feeling quite apathetic today.

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Right. That’s my relaxing morning off over with. Now on with the Stuff To Do.

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@ahnlak Aha. I use the fabulous Spinvox for voice-to-text transcription. I’m also trialling their voicemail service, which is working well.

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Someone told me it would be grey and rainy today. They lied. Think I’ll move most of the indoor chores to tomorrow.

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So far today have created a to-do list and done two things that aren’t on the to-do list. Think my system may be failing me.

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Hmm. Can’t develop in Lightroom. “An error occurred when attempting to change modules”. Nice and helpful there, Adobe…

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