Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

November 9th, 2008

Just taken my first practical step towards keeping hold of my money during the recession: sewed up the hole in my trouser pocket.

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Time to get on the exercise bike before I lose the last of today’s small ration of energy.

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Trying out the Paul Butterfield Blues Band.

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@Delicious How I would love a way of deleting a tag from a bookmark with one click. Would really help when knocking links off my “todo” list

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Motivation time: If I get my weekly review done, I can go to a cafe for lunch.

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@sean_robbins We need a name for them. “Basil Dis-Exposition”, perhaps?

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Holy heck. That is the most astonishing bug I’ve ever seen in a mobile phone. Hope G1 dev team are blushing.

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