Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

November 6th, 2008

@johnfbraun Aha! Cool, so your earlier problems meant it worked by the time I got around to using it for the first time :)

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@johnfbraun PS: twitpic upload just worked fine for me in Safari on my iMac — weren’t you having problems?

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@Twitterrific is either going for really geeky marketing, or its advertising has broken for me…

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No Flickr meet for me tonight. Too late in from Greek, too tired, too much to do. Gah. Definitely need evening off.

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Either I’m too tired to tie my shoelaces properly, or some wag coated them in Teflon when I wasn’t looking.

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V. tired. Heading home for nap before evening class.

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@davidpatrick I’ve got OpenOffice, but I hardly ever need to use it. I use Numbers for small home spreadsheet stuff; it’s cute and usable.

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@Phooto I don’t mind the GIMP under X too much, but it’ll take a native build to get tablet pressure-sensitivity working, which would be fab

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@pjakobs because Windows wants other things to be compatible with *it*, not the other way around.

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Forgot to set alarm. One and a half hours late out of bed. Twenty minutes late out of the door. Could be there’s some slack in my routine.

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