direlog ‘constantine’ is the only movie where they didn’t have to use CGI to remove tilda swinton’s beautiful wings pic.twitter.com/zMt2SRSqVV
Having a bad back this week has at least reinforced my resolve to shun Bristol’s useless public transport once I’m better.
On a bus. And only an hour after I arrived at the bus stop. Still, I have learned that in Hungary Friday can be known as “small Saturday” 🇭🇺 #makingfriends #bristol
(…and yah boo sucks t@BristolCouncilil for cutting back the 505 service.)

Bus half an hour late. Very grateful for Christmas pressie of hand-knitted scarf from m’stepmum. Thanks Maggie! ift.tt/2EzaY8h pic.twitter.com/JiUkzVjbRZ