Revolution. ift.tt/2r38LQE pic.twitter.com/HYXptCORLC

Manon des Sources. ift.tt/2AXKlaQ pic.twitter.com/d0nBsfIMwo
Les_East Trump would have been concerned about the false alarm in Hawaii if he knew Hawaii was part of the U.S.

drlangtry_girl Looking at Bernini sculptures because why not - a veil rendered in *marble* should be impossible, and yet… pic.twitter.com/nOIRML8i1f

Heh. This LP comes with an advert for those new-fangled “cassette” things. It’ll never catch on. ift.tt/2r1fydP pic.twitter.com/vxJkKn0Doy
_pigeons_ I have ad(z)uki beans soaking overnight - if anyone has (vegetarian) recipes you’ve used & liked for them, please do send them my way (ditto whole moong beans)
ThatIsArguable One thing that millennials don’t understand is that if they gave up all of the things that make life worth living for just two years they could have a savings account with $600 in it.

_pigeons_ I really like going in a car wash! Thanks @gothick! pic.twitter.com/Qgacb0iJl4

Live Rust. ift.tt/2DbWiyU pic.twitter.com/iS4Ci3SlbL

A soupçon of coffee. ift.tt/2Ds3W69 pic.twitter.com/uggbo0HduP