mbrennanchina Chinese phone cradle for boosting your phone’s daily step count. Some insurance companies in China allow people who consistently reach a certain daily step count to get discounted health insurance premiums. pic.twitter.com/pJFBSYqdlb

TigNotaro doctors office: hand washing is important.
also doctors office: feel free to let your kid lick this toy for 40 minutes while you wait pic.twitter.com/iZVQXCh71y
@IanDunt The phrase “a welcome release” springs to mind.
@_pigeons_ Aha. And now Labour and the Greens have turned up in the same morning post.
@shezza_t Oh, *that’s* what I’ve been missing this morning.
(Does anyone have a yak that needs shaving?)
Tugged at a loose thread in my web server setup and three days later I’m along as far as figuring out why my fpm pools aren’t working in the seventeenth Vagrant box along…