@Dru_Marland @dangusset “FENTON! I DISTINCTLY SAID ‘HEEL’!”

_pigeons_ I bought @Bingo_Little a fishtank for her birthday, and it was looking super-classy, BUT….! pic.twitter.com/erq6BtK5Mn
tnwhiskeywoman What’s your favorite stuffed dough food? Samosa? Empanada? Beef patty? Dumpling? Ravioli? Is it a pastry? I am intoxicated and want to talk about breads bulging with goodness.
@sarahlane There’s a Tumblr that showcases the worst of these! confirmshaming.tumblr.com
saramayspary Hi Twitter. A #journorequest on the back of the news that we’re wasting millions of hours waiting for trains - has your quality of life been impacted by unreliable trains? Are your stress levels raised by regular train chaos? Get in touch if you can chat: sara.spary@huffpost.com
OnePerfectShot Some of these arthouse sci-fi films aren’t very well known. Let’s change that. buff.ly/2LK3JxG