WhiteZoey Favourite form of address ever heard in court is now ‘Alright My Judger’
NB: Needs to be pronounced in your best Bristolian to get the full effect.

sam_bambs Theresa May as bottles of Tresemmé. A thread: pic.twitter.com/vEjHEHveSG
You’ll be missed, D Wayne. nme.com/news/music/jak…
@johnroderick I have earworm sympathy. Every time I hear that damn song, I’m transported straight back to being drunk in a bar at Warwick University in 1991, where the jukebox stuck and for 20 minutes we got RED RED WI— RED RED WI— RED RED WI— RED RED WI— RED RED WI— RED RED WI—
@RellyAB Amen.