CuriousUkTelly Pink Floyd play the Knightmare theme tune at Earls Court in ’94
fangirltherapy People about their friends: we met on a kickball team in college
Me about my friends: we were both highly invested in two fictional characters making out seven years ago
So. Tonight’s Any Questions is coming to you from the church at the end of my road. (Also our mayor’s church, perhaps not coincidentally…)
BBCPolitics After 32 years, @dimbleby_jd is presenting his last Any Questions? tonight from Bristol, 8pm @BBCRadio4
His guests are Lord Blunkett, Lord Patten, Amanda Platell and @pollytoynbee:
Share your Any Questions? memories ⬇️ #bbcaq
brian_lovin I think today might be the perfect time for my startup, Facebook, to join an accelerator 🚀
Won’t be doing that again. Not unless Hotwells Pine’s replacement turns out to be an air conditioner sales franchise.
Just popped outside.
@marinaepelman @siracusa Let me guess: they have no arm or head holes, but they’re *really* thin?
bitchitshan one of our team members handed in their notice like this 😂😂😂